Gluten-Free (GF) foods have come a long way in the last 10 years. Grocery stores like Shoprite, Stop & Shop and Wegmans all have designated GF aisles. Finding GF food is now easier than ever! Many well-known brands have launched GF products as well, like Barilla`s GF pasta. However, there are a few important things you should keep in mind….
1) Not all GF products are labeled
Naturally GF items will not be labeled, based on the assumption that it is well-known they do not contain gluten. Fruits and vegetables are always naturally GF as well as meats and dairy. However, when looking at a naturally GF item such as potato chips, always check the ingredients. I do not suggest buying naturally GF items that contain any type of “seasoning,” a lot of seasonings use preservatives, flour and/or wheat.
2) Go through every aisle, not just the GF aisle
Although you can find great items in the GF aisle you should always check every aisle! Not everything that is GF will be in the GF section. Take cheerios for example, (my favorite cereal BTW) they are NOT in the GF section, but you can find them in the cereal aisle. Well-known brands will often place their GF items next to their regular, non-GF, items. This can make grocery shopping a little less complicated when shopping for/with your family.
3) Check all labels on GF products for nutritional information
Although there are amazing GF options available, it is important to always’ read labels! GF products are perceived to be healthier, however, they can contain preservatives or not be a healthy option. When I first started eating GF, I would buy all types of GF snacks thinking I was “eating GF the right way.” Turns out all those products were unhealthy, full of preservatives and sugar. The best thing to do when eating GF is to eat naturally GF foods like fruits and vegetables (read my previous blog “Naturally Gluten-Free” for more info).
Get familiar with each grocery store and where they keep their GF items. Make a plan of how you will navigate the store and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS go with a grocery list (hopefully this will prevent impulse buying)! Be adventurous, try new brands and enjoy your new GF lifestyle.